Teal Lake Senior Living Community
Senior Assisted Living Facility – Negaunee, Michigan.
Swadley Development’s team developed this design/build senior assisted living facility in Negaunee, Michigan. The design development phase began early in 2014. The site work got underway in late summer of that year. Construction progressed through the winter, with completion in late August 2015. The completed facility was turned over to the Owner on September 1, 2015 and opened onOctober 1, 2015.
This project was developed in combination with a second project — a new city street extension of Water Street, utilities, and an intersection with Hwy US41. Both projects were made possible through the Brownfield Program, a vital tool in Michigan for repurposing sites like this old iron mine by reclaiming and putting it to productive use for the community. We put together a proactive partnership of Private Developer, Community Bank, City, County and various agencies that helped make this project a success.
The unique design of timber frame trusses for structural support of the large canopies front and back gives a dramatic effect for the building and its outstanding view of Teal Lake to the north. The exterior siding, stone and accent details have natural earth tones that compliment design elements found in the area.
We provided an open spacious main entry, lobby, gathering area and dining that draws one into the building with the dramatic views out over the lake. There are 38 private suites and studio rooms all built for the modern assisted living housing culture and needs of its residents. The facility is completely ADA compliant and barrier free. The project was designed, built and delivered on time and on budget.
Completion: October 2015
Client Information: Hinkson Negaunee Properties, Owner, 290 W. Water Street, Negaunee, MI 49866
Services Provided: Design Build Project / Building & Site Design / Construction Services
Construction Cost: $5,000,000
Development Size: 32,045 Sq. feet